Automotive/Heavy Equipment Industry Fundamentals SR131 The goal of this self-paced course is to introduce the basic industry terms, trends, critical success factors, company organization, and manufacturing processes common to automotive/heavy equipment accounts. STUDENT PROFILE: CSO sales representatives, sales management, and PSO consultants who call on automotive/heavy equipment accounts. PREREQUISITE: SR130 The Manufacturing Environment A score of 80% or better on the above Mastery Test represents satisfactory competion. STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: o Name the major market segments and products within this industry. o Name the dominant players. o Describe a typical organization's key functional operations, goals and critical success factors. o Describe typical industry plant layouts and production processes, the basic steps in the design and manufacture of products, and the major manufacturing operations control issues. o Describe business and technology trends within the industry. COURSE OUTLINE: Unit 1: Segmenting the Industry Unit 2: Production Processes and Control Unit 3: Company Structure and Organization Unit 4: Industry Trends Questions are posed at the end of each unit to help students assess their understanding of the material. TESTING PROCESS: Self-Assessment Test included in the workbook. To access Mastery Test, send an HPDesk message: To: Fieldtest ADMIN Subject: SR131 A score of 80% or better represents satisfactory completion. FORMAT: Self-paced workbook Location: Not applicable LENGTH: 3 Hours AVAILABILITY: 11/90 LANGUAGE: English EQUIPMENT: None class Size: Not applicable ORDERING INFO: Heart I-2 Order from Support Materials Organization (SMO/C200), Roseville, CA Part # 22894-90002 QUESTIONS: Contact your Sales Force Program Manager or Country Education Manager PROJECT MGR: Jim Belcher Telnet/508 436-5069